As a young man visiting the Kennedy Space Center with a friend, Ummarid “Tony” Eitharong remarked of an impressive wall mural, “I bet I could draw that.” Winning that bet was the genesis of a long and successful career in art.
Never content, Eitharong consistently asks himself “What’s next?” “What if I try this?” “What if I change that?” His artistic evolution has produced three distinct bodies of work; realistic yet expressive pencil portraits in the 1970s and 1980s, his Military Industrial Art (M.I.A.) series of mixed media assemblages in the 1990s and 2000s, and for the last 15 years his explosively colorful abstract acrylic paintings. He has won several awards in each style, but sales and accolades do not stifle that passion to grow, transform, and respond to an ever-changing world.
Coming full circle, Eitharong has just completed a major 30-ft mural project at the University of Tampa. “What If Eye” will present a retrospective of Tony Eitharong’s work, encapsulating every style he has endeavored. It will be a history of the artist that is comprehensive, at least until he encounters his next “What if ?”